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Beer & Food Pairing Tips
4th February 2022
| Keith Sango


Tips for Beer and Food Pairing


There are no rules. Drink what you prefer and eat likewise. If YOU like it, it’s a good pairing, there are no hard and fast rules, just considerations and principles to keep in mind.


  1. Consider intensity. When subjecting your tasters to a palate wrecking chipotle dish or 1000 IBU IPA, consider the delicacy of what you’re pairing that monster with. Mild works well with
Candy and Beer Pairings That Will Rock Your Party
28th January 2022
| Keith Sango


Candy and Beer Pairings That Will Rock Your Party


Two of the greatest guilty pleasures in this world are candy and beer. With the extensive data base of flavours that craft beer has to offer, it’s easy to find the perfect beer to pair with any candy you can manifest. When it comes to pairing the two, there are just a few small guidelines to keep in mind. Rules don’t exist, if you like it, it’s a good pairing. There are a

21st January 2022
| Keith Sango

There are plenty of great reasons to use a growler when taking beer home. For those not yet in the know, a growler is a container typically made out of glass, ceramic or aluminium, which is used to transport beer. An air-tight jug, it allows you to take craft beer from one place to another without losing quality.

How to make beer at home
7th August 2020
| Ursula Phillips, Cape Town


Homebrewing used to be reserved typically for grizzly craft beer drinkers that setup tanks, vessels and boiling pots all over their yards and posted pictures to social media of their beering finesse. But now with the current alcohol ban in South Africa, pretty much every person older than 18 that enjoys drinking a crispy cold one has now received a certain level of brewing ex